Hydrogen Production
Producing Hydrogen from VOC

VOC steam reforming reaction : Toluene
C6H5-CH3 + 7H2O → 7CO + 11H2
C6H5-CH3 + 14H2O → 7CO2 + 18H2

Fig. Toluene steam reforming performance over Hydrochem & Comm, catalysts.

Fig. Toluene steam reforming long-run performance over Hydrochem & Comm, catalysts.
Technology that recycles VOC gas produced during various processess
Current VOC reforming catalysts lose durability due coking from high amounts of hydrocarbons in VOC.
→ Our catalyst solves the coking problem.
Current catalysts function at high temperatures → Our VOC reformer is 95% efficient at 550℃ or higher.
Proprietary Technology : Hydrogen Production
Current Method : Production through Fuel
Solving Wasted Resources
Current Method : LOHC Hydrogen Storage
High Energy Requirement for Extraction
(ΔHdehydrogenation>60 kJ/mol)
Solving the Energy Problem
Current Method : VOC Treatment
Raise the concentration of VOC and treat with high heat
: Oxidation then concentration (concentration/RTO)Uses natural gas as extra fuel : emits greenhouse gases
- Traditional
Thermal Oxidizer
Solving the Environmental Impact
Current Method : Recycling Wasted Resources