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    페이지 정보

    작성자 FerminTrusa
    댓글 댓글 0건   조회Hit 13회   작성일Date 24-03-31 04:59


    When you have read enough and want to start growing ASAP, you should browse our seeds for beginners to make sure you get the right seeds for your first grow. The peak THC content in cannabis buds is typically reached when the trichomes have turned from clear to milky. The distance over which pollen is dispersed from individual anthers in hermaphroditic flowers is probably limited to a few meters in indoor or outdoor growing facilities, compared to up to 3 5 km from male plants grown under outdoor field conditions, depending on wind speed and direction Small and Antle, 2003.  Source: <a href=https://ftarasov.ru/best-buy-hashish-seeds-greatest-price-and-wide-selection-fso/>https://ftarasov.ru/best-buy-hashish-seeds-greatest-price-and-wide-selection-fso/</a>


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